When a child is enrolled at St Edward’s School, the staff undertake the total care of the student – the spiritual, the emotional, the social, the physical and the academic.
The term, Pastoral Care, is used to describe both an attitude and a process and it is based upon the belief in the dignity of the person. In our school, it is expressed through:-
- the development of quality relationships
- the provision of satisfying learning experiences
- the establishment of an effective network
- the provision of a stable environment where learning can occur
The staff aim to support, assist and consult with parents and advise them of their child’s progress and attainment in the above areas. It is part of the staff’s duty to endeavour to remedy any areas that appear during the child’s schooling.
Our code of discipline aims to prepare children for life outside school. The policy intends to develop responsible Christian Behaviour. Our school is a ‘hands off’ school. Students and staff have the right to personal space, free of physical intimidation. School rules provide a means for students to live out God’s rules at school. All students are regularly made aware of our school rules. Parents will be contacted should a special need arise or if a student repeatedly chooses to behave incorrectly. Our Behaviour Management Program encourages positive behaviour and acknowledges student achievement in this area.
The students have the right to:-
- an atmosphere of security and friendliness
- an education which enables fulfilment of talents and abilities
- protection against neglect, abuse and exploitation
- protection from discrimination
- a quiet, settled, working atmosphere
- specialist services and advice for perceived needs
- recognition of efforts, achievements, attitudes, behaviour, responsibility and reliability
- growth in confidence, respect and self-discipline
The staff will:-
- treat every child with love, dignity and respect
- aim at consistency with all children
- endeavour to understand and take into account the individuality of each child and the differing family backgrounds of the students
- provide an organised learning environment for the students
- report honestly and openly on the attainment levels of each child
The parents should:-
- maintain contact with the school through the organised communication channels – the weekly Newsletter, P & F Meetings, parent/teacher interviews, assemblies, etc.
- inform the school of abnormalities in attendance, uniform, health or family situation as soon as possible
- support the school in its work with the children
- establish an open, constructive and friendly rapport with the school
Student responsibilities
Each child has the responsibility to:-
- treat others with understanding – not to laugh at, tease or hurt the feelings of others
- treat others politely, respectfully and to listen considerately
- respect the authority of teachers
- make the school a safe place by not threatening, hitting or hurting anyone in any way, we strive to be a ‘Bully Free’ School
- cooperate with teachers and other students to make sure that lessons proceed without interruption and completion of required work is kept up-to-date
- learn self-control
- take good care of personal property and not to steal, damage or destroy the property of the school and others
- be punctual, attend school and to take part in school activities
- care for the school environment – to keep it neat and clean
- behave so that the community will respect the school whilst on excursions, during performances and while using community facilities
- maintain a high standard of dress, personal cleanliness and tidiness and follow the school uniform policy
- stay within the school bounds
- tell the teachers about any defective equipment, buildings or fittings
- not interfere with other people’s activities
- express ideas, thoughts and feelings politely and at the right time and place